

MAKKO HO estiramiento de los meridianos

By | English, Spritual Retreats, Talleres Uruguay, Webinars, Workshops | No Comments

Estiramientos de los 12 meridianos para mantenernos salud, la flexibilidad física, mental y emocional.
En 15 minutos estimulas todas las funciones vitales con este video.

Cada uno de los ejercicios estimula la energía de un par de meridianos:

1) Pulmón – respiración, limites, vitalidad, estructura. 
Intestino Grueso– soltar, eliminar. 

2) Estómago y Bazo- nutrición (también a nivel emocional, intelectual y espiritual).

3) Corazón- interpretación e integración de las experiencias 
Intestino Delgado– asimilación, discernimiento 

4)Vejiga y Riñón– ímpetu, purificación 

5) Pericardio – circulación Triple Calentador – protección

6) Vesícula Biliar– toma de decisiones, digestión de las grasas
Hígado– almacenamiento, planificación, acción
#mequedoencasa #iorestoacasa





Zen Shiatsu en el Pereira Rossell

Humanizar la Medicina en Uruguay

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¿Sabías que en los últimos 4 meses llevamos hechas casi 600 sesiones individuales de ZEN SHIATSU en la maternidad del hospital de niños Pereira Rossell?

Siendo el más grande hospital público de niños del país, el Hospital de la Mujer recibe a la mayor cantidad de madres embarazadas y recién nacidos en situación de vulnerabilidad, por lo que la demanda del personal que allí trabaja es muy intensa. En la medicina, más allá del burnout (o síndrome de desgaste ocupacional) hay una nueva denominación: “compassion fatigue” (fatiga de la compasión) que describe al personal de la salud que pierde la sensibilidad en el trato con los pacientes. La incidencia de esta nueva sintomatología en el personal de la salud, todavía no ha sido medida formalmente en este hospital, pero el mismo personal siente los efectos, aunque no se lo llame aún de esa forma.

Cabe decir que el nacimiento de un bebé, es quizás el momento más delicado de la vida del niño y de la madre, por la extrema vulnerabilidad de ambos y por la posibilidad de complicaciones extremadamente traumáticas que pueden marcarlos para el resto de la vida. Si hay una etapa en la administración de servicios la salud, que requiera de la mayor sensibilidad posible, seguramente sea esta. Por eso nuestro interés en hacer las intervenciones aquí. En mis experiencias pasadas dando sesiones de Zen Shiatsu en hospitales de Nueva York con pacientes de cirugía de corazón abierto, las áreas de cuidados críticos es donde más cuenta lo que hacemos y donde más se necesita.

A partir de la invitación de la jefa de enfermería del departamento de Neonatología (Soledad Nuñez), diseñé un programa de intervención directa e inmediata, enfocada en “cuidar a los cuidadores” (algo de lo que se habla mucho pero que no siempre tiene una bajada concreta a la realidad).

Con un equipo de colegas, ex estudiantes de mi curso de formación profesional en Zen Shiatsu (una terapia corporal japonesa que usa presión con los dedos en diferentes puntos del cuerpo para restablecer el equilibrio energético), comenzamos en setiembre de 2019 a dar mini-sesiones de 20 minutos al personal de la salud de este departamento, DIRECTAMENTE EN SU LUGAR DE TRABAJO. Es decir, que los médicos, nurses, enfermeras, auxiliares, personal administrativo y de limpieza de todas las áreas de neonatología, (incluyendo CTI, Cuidados Intermedios, salas de nacer, etc.) , se toman unos minutos dentro de su turno para recibir una sesión de Zen Shiatsu, sentados en una silla.
Por más que están entre las incubadoras, monitores, areas de aislación, etc., se logra que en poco rato se relajen, enfoquen y vuelvan a su trabajo despejados y renovados.

Algunos han recibido sólo una sesión, pero otros vuelven cada semana a recibir la suya porque ven el beneficio no sólo en el momento, y en el trabajo, sino que venimos constatando que algunos han bajado el consumo de analgésicos drásticamente, se han librado de dolores crónicos, notan que han mejorado el ánimo, mejoran la calidad de su tiempo libre, sus vínculos personales en el hogar y vienen al trabajo con mucha mejor disponibilidad. Se ha constatado también que el ambiente de trabajo ha mejorado notablemente, ha aumentado la solidaridad y la cohesión de grupo en el departamento. La comunicación se ha vuelto más fluida y si bien se han suscitado conflictos dentro del departamento en casos puntuales, la resolución ha sido rápida y satisfactoria.
En las últimas Jornadas de Neonatología l director del departamento (Dr Daniel Borbonet), dedicó varios minutos de su presentación para hablar de nuestro proyecto y los efectos positivos que está teniendo en muchos niveles.

Con el apoyo de la Federación Europea de Shiatsu, estamos tratando de diseñar un estudio científico para medir estos efectos cualitativos y tener un registro formal de los cambios que todos venimos observando.

Este programa lo realizamos íntegramente de forma voluntaria como parte de la Fundación Canguro, que ha venido realizando una tarea extraordinaria durante las 24 horas, los 365 días del año, para dar nutrición emocional a los niños que no pueden recibirla de sus madres, por diferentes razones. Gracias a la iniciativa de su directora Pamela Moreira, las personas voluntarias de esa organización también reciben entrenamiento específico para mejorar la calidad del contacto con los bebés, con técnicas basadas en el Zen Shiatsu que apuntan al toque compasivo y empático.

Mi próxima meta es la formación de nuevos practicantes de Zen Shiatsu para ampliar los horarios que ofrecemos en el hospital y replicar esta experiencia en otras organizaciones públicas o privadas, de forma que al humanizar el entorno laboral, se multiplique la generación de cambios en la salud y la calidad de vida de las personas.

para más información:
+598 95278442

The Uterus is like a second Heart.

Women’s Inner Axis

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The Heart Uterus connection

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is an inner axis that aligns the energy of the Heart with that of the Womb. It’s called the Bao Mai or the Heart-Uterus Meridian.

In my experience, it is from this axis or center, that women discover the true power of creative energy:

feeling what you love

and loving what you feel.

Between the energetic centers of chest (Heart) and the pelvis (Uterus or the prostate for men), there is another center responsible for human action. It’s called the Dan Tien and a lot of attention is paid to that point in martial arts, because when your movement comes from there, it’s quite difficult to stop you!

Materializing your objectives through decisive action comes from the belly (the Dan Tien), but when your action is aligned with love and you have a good feeling for what you are doing, or you “follow your gut,” the most likely result is that it will be aligned with your purpose and mission in life. I call this compassionate action, that has a more wholesome, integrated-with-life effect.

We could be talking about a project, a masterly performed task, an object, or having a child, which is the non plus ultra of materialization: where there was nothing, a new life appears.


For Women and Men

Over a period of more than 2 decades, I have observed many women carrying a disharmony at the Bao Mai that affected many aspects of their lives. Men are more accustomed to dissociate love and sensation in our culture, but for women it’s a lot harder to do without paying a price at an emotional level.

It’s usually involved in reproductive issues including some types of infertility, difficulty to conceive, sexual disorders, inability to connect with the child in pregnancy or after birth, abortions, depression, insensibility, insecurity, low self-esteem, anxiety, repressed creativity, lack of identity, inability to enjoy (in any sense), indecision, lack of purpose or direction in life and recurrent unhealthy choices, amongst other disharmonies. These imbalances can be passed down to the following generations if not looked at and resolved.

It’s from Ayurveda (the traditional medicine of India) that the Heart is energetically associated with love (Fourth Chakra). The pelvis is where the Uterus, prostate, sexual and reproductive organs are and is associated to sensation or feeling, for example pleasure or pain (Second Chakra).


Harmony between them assures a healthy balance between feeling love and loving what we feel.

Too much loving and no sensations to account for it (Platonic love, for example), or too much sensation without love (sexual addiction, for example), interrupts or distorts the flow.

According to how this interruption of energy flow between the Heart and Uterus manifests itself (not everybody does it in the same way) we can understand the specific qualities of the imbalance. That gives us the key to understand how to bring about the necessary changes for restoring it, in a short time.



Blood (in TCM blood is an organ and has many functions) also connects the Heart and the Uterus. To picture this, we can see the uterus as a little heart; a cavity made of thick muscle, where blood is received, contained and pumped out every 28 days, instead than in a heartbeat.

The good energetic quality of the Blood regulates the proper functioning of both organs. The nutritive function of Blood also contributes to the balance needed between the Heart and the Uterus, and it is vitally important. If the blood is too dense, the pumping takes more effort and slows down. If too liquid or runny, the heart needs to pump faster to move it around.

*When the uterus organ is physically missing because of hysterectomy, it is interesting to note that it’s energetic functions can be performed by other organs that restore the flow of energy in the Bao Mai meridian.





How do you discover if your Heart-Uterus meridian is balanced?

Check this exercise!

Make yourself comfortable and follow this visualization to assess what’s going on with your own Bao Mai connection. (If you are not “visual”, we’ll see later are other ways to do it)

You can read through or
join an online class to do it with my guidance.



Step 1- Feel the space of your chest and your Heart.

Step 2- Feel the space of your pelvis and Uterus/ Prostate

Step 3- Visualize a channel of light between the heart and the uterus. Notice in your picture how is that channel (thin, wide, straight, wavy, dense, light, etc.), what color, what texture, structure and any other quality that comes to mind.

Step 4- Imagine doing the journey from the heart to the womb and as well as paying attention to the image of how the route is, note the feeling or sensations that come up for you.

Step 5- Now visualize the journey from the uterus to the heart and also note the feeling or sensations that come up for you. Is it different than before? You may feel some differences between both journeys.



If they are more or less equal and sensations are pleasant, your Heart-Uterus meridian is balanced.

If not, let’s look at some options below:


CAUTION: If at this point you’re wondering if you felt or did not feel anything during the exercise, stop for a moment.
If you got to read everything carefully up to here, YOU ALREADY DID THE EXERCISE!

Perhaps you thought you wouldn’t have the time to do it now, or you were going to leave it for later, when you could close your eyes, be quiet and have a moment for yourself, but the chances are that if you leave it for later, you’ll not make it. Try it now! It only takes a short time and you don’t need to be in any special position or place.
If you did not feel anything, then that is exactly the information that your body is giving you. It’s fine to feel nothing.
Please consider that this is an exploration of subtle factors of your energy system that can reflect important things about how you are standing in the world and how you relate to life. In no way implies a judgment of something that is unchangeable, or that you need to “fix”. It helps you become aware of a state of things; this is the first step for any work you may want to undertake with yourself, but it does not necessarily mean there is a problem, much less a problem at the physical level of the organs.



1- If it is more difficult to visualize in the direction of the Heart to the Uterus/ Prostate:

Many times we do not love what we feel; I can love another, but my senses are not activated in the encounter with the loved one, or maybe my feelings reveal or generate a conflict. My heart goes in one direction and my body in another. To judge if what I feel is right or wrong, whether it is beautiful or ugly, immoral, low, unworthy, etc., does not allow me to recognize my feelings as mine. It might mean that I don’t recognize or allow my anger, my sadness, my pleasure, my hope, my joy, my fear or my impulsiveness and I cannot integrate them. Compassion for oneself is a good way to neutralize that judgment and to change this dynamic.

2- If it is more difficult to visualize the direction from Uterus towards the Heart:

Sometimes we do not feel what we love; love is more expansive and subtle than sensations, and it is not always so clear what the Heart tells us. It is the case of the person who feels and enjoys at the level of bodily sensations but fails to rise to the vibration of love, or allow herself to be loved, or love another. What the gut tells us (Second Chakra), sometimes helps to anchor what the Heart tries to tell us and also helps us to integrate love in our feelings and our actions. Feel the love, act from the Heart or materialize the fruit of love in our actions and in our body.



In this dynamic, the Third Chakra located mid-way between the Heart and the Uterus, also plays a role because it is the great materializer. The demands of working life (where the masculine qualities of women are rewarded), some aspects of our education, the confusion between women and men’s roles, resistance to maturing, harmful messages from the images we see of women in advertising (sexual and body related), traumatic experiences, failures and disappointments of past love experiences are some of the reasons for the disconnection between loving and feeling. In fact, the list is endless, because each person has their own specific reasons.

Healing the relationship between the Heart and the Uterus create a communication channel that not only binds the parts together but it transforms itself into a sort of compass, antenna, or gyroscope that a woman can rely upon. It guides, maintains balance and gives direct, immediate and accurate information of all processes of the body-mind. It is a centralizer of a woman’s power in her inner axis. An axis that connects her also to Earth and to Heaven and from where her loving power can be extended to every action, thing, or state of self she aims to materialize.-



Should you need to further explore your findings about the Bao Mai, there’s more training available, as well as individualized guidance through a distance healing session with Diego Sanchez.

More information and bookings at



* – Meridian is a channel that conducts energy flows (also called Chi, Qi, Prana, etc., according to different traditions). There are 12 Main Meridians which are called, for example; Stomach, Spleen, Kidney, etc., because somehow they are related to the organs but are capitalized to differentiate them from anatomical organs. In Asian traditions, organs have emotional, mental and spiritual functions, in addition to the physical functions we know in the West.

The Heart-Uterus Meridian is one of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians, apart from the main 12 and in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is known as Bao Mai.


** Zen Shiatsu is a Japanese bodywork therapy that uses finger pressure on the body surface to stimulate functions at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. It is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and its theory and practice was extended by Shizuto Masunaga in Japan in the 1970s and was known in the West in the 1980’s.



Diego Sanchez is an internationally recognized practitioner and instructor of Zen Shiatsu. Besides Zen Shiatsu and his Active Meditations system based on techniques from various traditions, he has helped thousands of people reconnect with their inner selves. He did Zen Shiatsu for open-heart surgery patients at the Integrative Program of Columbia University Hospital in New York City, supported rescue workers and military staff at Ground Zero during 9-11-2001, taught at schools and universities worldwide. He is the father of two daughters and lives in Uruguay where he gives workshops, retreats and individual healing sessions. More information at

The God of Medicine

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I shared with 50 loving souls a most fulfilling outdoors seminar at the Asclepius Sanctuary at Epidavros, Greece. One more of my Chakras of the Earth seminars, this time focusing not just on the healing qualities of the Earth where the Sanctuary is, but also on the spiritual archetype of the healer.

Asclepius, son of Apollo, is the God of Medicine in Greek Mythology and this place is where people came to be purified by water and a special diet before they went to sleep, awaiting a visit of the God in their dreams. Asclepius would give them information in the dream that later the priests would interpret and design a treatment based on it that would heal their disease.

Here is the room where all actually took place for centuries. Hippocrates was a priest of this order before he went on to develop the more scientific treatments that made him the model for what would later be the allopathic medicine we have in most medical systems today.

The caduceus, a serpent-entwined rod that today is used as the symbol of Medicine is actually the symbol of Asclepius.

La energía femenina y el domingo

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Mientras paso unos días en la playa con mis dos hijas, pienso, preparo y cocino menúes variados (esta vez en torno a camarones y almejas, fruto de la bondad infinita de las costas de Rocha, Uruguay), lavamos platos, les leo algo sobre Artemisa, o la que toque en mi capítulo del día sobre las diosas griegas, insisto que practiquen los acordes de su canción favorita en la guitarra, juegan en el jardín, vamos a la playa, caminamos, se quejan que me pongo a hablar con un vecino tras de otro (mis conocidos de toda una vida), me analizan mis humores o las inflexiones de mi voz mientras compartimos la mesa, se pelean mientras tienden sus camas o se refugian en sus pantallas de a ratos, en medio de todo esto, pienso, me siento en mi computadora y preparo dos retiros (uno en Argentina y otro en Ibiza), que en el fondo tratan sobre cómo llevarnos mejor con la energía femenina. Estando separado de la madre de mis hijas hace un par de años ya, no parecería que estamos de acuerdo en como funcionaron nuestros roles en la pareja, pero valoramos los roles que desempeñamos en la familia como padres y eso es una bendición, que dará fruto en nuestras hijas. O sea que, mi relacionamiento como hombre con la energía femenina, ha sufrido sus golpes y sigo aprendiendo, palmo a palmo, a fuerza de prueba y error. Es una universidad de la que uno no se escapa y las clases son todos los días (y noches). Hoy domingo, después de las almejas, me conecté a un foro por internet, un rato antes de la siesta y me encontré citado por varias fuentes en una discusión sobre la participación femenina en mi profesión de terapeuta de shiatsu. Entre el 70-80% de los practicantes de shiatsu son mujeres, pero la mayoría de los que nos destacamos en la enseñanza de shiatsu, somos hombres. Esto parece que se extiende a otras profesiones, (la que me pareció más dramática es la de los peluqueros, cuyos clientes son 99% mujeres) y mi visión es que ahí no se aplica la excusa del patriarcado. No digo que en otras áreas no se apliquen las desventajas del patriarcado arcaico hacia las mujeres, pero ¿porqué las mujeres, cuando pueden elegir libremente, eligen a hombres en vez de mujeres? No tengo una respuesta lógica pero sí lo entiendo intuitivamente y eso es lo que invito a la gente a explorar en mis retiros o en las sesiones individuales. Explorar qué es energéticamente la energía femenina, o masculina, dentro de cada uno y en la naturaleza, nos conecta con otro sentido de las cosas que hace que no sea tan importante ganar la batalla de la lógica.


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